
Enhancing LifeSpans Through Reproducible LifeStyles

Keto Diet Dynamics

A keto diet is intended to produce ketosis in the subject. Ketosis is a state when the primary source of energy is ketones, a byproduct of fat metabolism. A keto diet is primarily composed of fats among macronutrients. The purpose of a starchy diet is to restrict and isolate the effects to the fatty acids and avoid any interaction or coupling with other macronutrients. There may be a need to restrict not-fatty micronutrients to enter and stay in ketosis. It can take a few days of delay in transitioning to ketosis after switcing to a keto diet. The delay is caused by a) food still in the gut for one or two days, b) stored muscle and liver glycogen for one or two more days.

Just like fasting keto diet is also deprivation and starvation. Keto diet is also unsustainable. The keto diet may be used to add desirable dynamics into an otherwise stationary lifestyle.

keto weight

The above is the weight chart of the author on a weekly cyclic ketogenic diet composed of five weeldays primarily of fats and two weekend days of the standard diet. The 5 keto days shows a steady drop in body weight. The 2 standard diet days shows a rapid weight gain.

 The author has observed higher energy, faster healing and higher immunity during the keto phase of the diet. Energy appears to peak on the second to third day of the weekend standard diet to weekday keto diet switch. After the third day of keto the energy starts dropping. Immunity and healing (like in fasting) appear to be higher on reaching ketosis after the third or fourth day. DUring the heightened immunity, flu and cold infections may resolve in 2-4 hours that usually takes 1-2 weeks on a standard diet.

Please not that that individual dynamics can be different. The individuals logged data may be used to confirm specific details. You are welcome to access the  time-series logging data editor for more details. Feel free to leave comments on this page or participate in forum discussions or add to the data logs.

Caution: Keto, by itself, is unsustainable without a minimum level of proteins. Howevr, keto may be used to add desirable dynamics into an otherwise sustainable lifestyle.

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Created: 6-23-2021, Updated: 5-14-2022